Tuesday Jul 21, 2020

Ep 128 - Independence Day w/ Netflix 'N Swill

The Netflix 'N Swill boys join us this week to throw 20 Q's at the favourite film of at least one half of their podcast. Including Q's like:


Which would you rather have on your spaceship: a shield that can stop a nuke, a beam that can blow up a city block, or a computer that Jeff Goldblum can't hack? Could computer's today be as advanced as David's laptop? Would you go to your stripping job if aliens showed up and started encircling the earth? 


And many others! Well, 17 to be exact. 


But of course the best questions are from our premier Patreons: Emily, Julio, Dave, Dan, and new one Chris! Wanna join them and help shape the show? Well you can join them here: www.patreon.com/mritqs


Emily also has her own podcast, which you can find here: https://www.tastelesspod.com/


As does Julio! Find it here: http://www.wearethecontrarians.com/


And check out Dave's stuff! You can find it here: https://www.patreon.com/yourfavorite


And of course Dan, at https://www.netflixnswill.com/


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Or via email at mritqs@gmail.com



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