Wednesday Jun 23, 2021

Ep 168 - Our Livestream for the Cure Segment

Hey all, something special this week as we upload our segment which closed out the Friday night of Livestream for the Cure. Had an absolute blast doing it, managed to raise a good bit of coin, can't wait to do it all again next year. Peace!

Also, here's all the questions in their glory, with the people who answered them:

Livestream kick off q:

  1. Which iconic role would you replace with Nicolas Cage to make an even better film?


  1. What film quote would be the worst thing to hear after sex? (Dory, Emily)
  2. What film’s “heroes” should be locked in jail for the next 100 years? (Dory, Emily)
  3. What films title best describes your mental state? (Dory, Emily)


  1. Who had made the best transition from goody two shoes to badass in movie history? (Liz, Kahu)
  2. What is the best 3 movie crew to invite to a party? (Liz, Kahu)
  3. What movie could you insert into another movie flop halfway through to save it? (Liz, Kahu)


  1. Eight more movies are made as sequels to your favourite movie ever. What are they doing in the 9th one, a la fast and furious in space? (Matiu, Kahu)
  2. What two thwarted villains from different movies could actually achieve their goals if they paired up? (Matiu, Kahu)
  3. You can go back to a theatre, but every movie you see is with that movie/actor/actress's biggest fans only, filling the theatre apart from you. Which movie is the absolute worst experience to watch? (Matiu, Kahu)


  1. If you had to have sex with a tom cruise character, who would it be? (Emily, Matiu)
  2. What is the best adult joke/sub plot hidden within a kid’s movie? (Emily, Matiu)
  3. If i gave you a 100mil to make a movie and the brief was "I want something that has never been done before". What is your movie about? (Emily, Matiu)


  1. Who has the best mullet in film history? (Sam, Liz)
  2. What’s the most overrated Oscar winner ever? (Sam, Liz)
  3. What film from your birth year says the most about you as a person? (Sam, Liz)


  1. If you could have been in charge of the soundtrack for any movie, which one would you choose and what would be the theme song? (Dory, Sam)
  2. If a film was made about 2020, what super weird plot point should it feature? (Dory, Sam)
  3. What two completely different films should be merged together for an amazing mashup? (Dory, Sam)

Live streamers – what film title best describes your love life?

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